Me & Troy!

Me & Troy!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Our Story: How we met

Troy and I had been in the same ward for six months, but had somehow never crossed paths.  On my very last Sunday in his ward, Troy saw me and thought, "I should go talk to her", which we all know means he really thought, "She's hot!"

I was waiting for the Sunday School class before us to get out, and was standing next to the kitchen door.  I noticed him starting to walk my way, and (while checking him out) figured he was just making customary eye contact while walking by.  Surprisingly, he didn't.  He stopped and said, "I don't think they're having class in there today."  I thought he meant in the classroom, not picking up on his jest about not having class in the kitchen.  I simply responded, "Huh?"  He tried to explain the joke, but we both felt dumb and he walked away.

During that week, I switched wards, and barely thought twice about the handsome stranger with the joke that I didn't get.  The following week I went to Family Home Evening in my new ward.  His roommate, Steve Reynolds, attends that same ward (although, he's not suppose to - but I sure am glad he does!) and Troy came with him.  Troy had casually dated the roommate of a dear friend of mine, Megan Bevans, and so he used the acquaintance to his advantage.  Steve coordinated a social dinner at Applebees after FHE and talked Megan into coming, so I went as well.  Best dinner choice of my life!

At Applebees, Troy and I started to talk while we we heading in and while waiting for a table.  We hit it off, and sat next to each other at dinner, and things continued to go extremely well.  Troy asked why I lived in Rexburg if I wasn't going to school, and I told him about a blessing I had received, where I was told that my eternal salvation was dependent upon moving to Rexburg.  Steve, in typical Steve manner, took this as an alley-way to try to put it in my head that I moved here for Troy.  He kept saying, "Beth, I'm telling you.  You moved here for Troy."  Little did we know, he was right.  :)

During dinner,  Megan and Steve were texting, presumably about "They would be so good together!"  Suzi and Megan and I were texting, and Troy said he felt pretty left out, and asked if he could have my number so that he could be cool and text someone, too.  I gave it to him.  The dinner ended, we went our separate ways, but I couldn't help but remember how fun he was.

The next day while I was at work, he was on my mind quite a bit.  I couldn't believe I hadn't heard from him (It had been over 12 hours, after all!) and finally texted him.  He ended up asking me to dinner.  I was dating about four guys at this point, and told him I only had a couple of hours on Saturday.

Saturday, he picked me up, and told me that he didn't want to sound cheap, so we could go to dinner anywhere I wanted, but he had a stack of gift cards that we could use if I wanted to go any of those places.  We ended up going to a place called The Cellar, which turned out to be extremely classy.  It was the best first date that I've ever had.

Sure enough, after this point, the four other guys were weeded out, and Troy came out victorious, and we've been together ever since.  It's been better than anything I could have dreamed of. :)

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